Neolamproconium Crous & Akulov, gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: MB 835089; Facesoffungi number: FoF
Etymology: Name refers to its morphological similarity to Lamproconium.
Ascomata immersed in host tissue, perithecial, black, erect to oblique, erumpent, in clusters, long necked with central ostioles, converging through a black stromatic disc; ascomata subglobose, in diatrypoid configuration, neck slightly swollen at the tip; ostiole with hyaline periphyses; peridium of thick-walled cells of brown textura angularis; hamathecium of hyaline, septate, branched, hyphae-like paraphyses. Asci 8-spored, subcylindrical with obtuse to slightly flattened apex and apical mechanism (not bluing in Meltzer’s reagent), stipitate, arranged in basal layer. Ascospores hyaline, smooth, guttulate, granular, fusoid to subcylindrical, ends subobtuse, slightly constricted at median septum, mostly straight. Conidiomata erumpent through bark, black, stromatic, with aggregated rosettes of pycnidia, upper part with slightly elongated black necks. Conidiomata erumpent, solitary, pycnidial, globose, 200–300 µm diam, with central ostiole; wall of 3–6 layers of pale brown textura angularis. Conidiophores lining inner layer, hyaline, smooth, septate, branched. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, smooth-walled, subcylindrical, terminal and intercalary, phialidic with prominent periclinal thickening. Conidia dimorphic. Macroconidia hyaline, smooth, guttulate, granular, fusoid, apex subobtuse, base truncate, septate. Microconidia developing in same conidioma as macroconidia, rod-shaped, ends obtuse, curved to straight, aseptate.
Type species: Neolamproconium silvestre Crous & Akulov