Neoconidiobolus B. Huang & Y. Nie, gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: MB831598; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06086
Etymology: Referring to the subgenus Conidiobolus raised to generic rank.
Description: Mycelia colourless. Primary conidiophores simple, sometimes branched from hyphal knots or differentiated from aerial hyphae, positively phototro- pic, bearing a single primary conidium. Primary conidia forcibly discharged, multinu- cleate, colourless, globose, pyriform to obovoid. Replicative conidia similar and smaller than primary conidia. Chlamydospores globose, formed terminally on hyphae or from globose cells by thickening of the wall. Zygospores formed in axial alignment with two conjugating segments, globose to ellipsoidal, smooth, colourless, rarely pale yellowish.
Type species: Neoconidiobolus thromboides (Drechsler) B. Huang & Y. Nie.
Notes: – The genus Neoconidiobolus is strikingly similar to the subgenus Conidiobolus which produces neither microconidia nor capilliconidia. All members in the clade of Ne- oconidiobolus share the following characteristics: forcibly discharged, colourless, globose, pyriform to obovoid primary conidia. Two kinds of replicative conidia produced. One is discharged, similar and smaller than primary conidia and the other is elongate and for- cibly discharged. Two types of resting spores produced: zygospores and chlamydospores.