Neoasbolisia Abdollahz. & Crous, gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: MB833168; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11066
Etymology: Name reflects its morphological similarity to the genus Asbolisia Bat. & Cif.
Mycelium superficial or immersed, pale brown to brown, branched, consisting of smooth, thin-walled, septate hyphae, constricted at septa, with a mucilaginous outer wall layer. Pyc- nidia superficial or immersed, mostly globose or pyriform, brown to dark brown, intercalary, meristogenous in development, pseudoparenchymatous, thin-walled. Ostiole absent or not well- developed, mostly releasing conidia by means of irregular rupture. Conidia hyaline, aseptate, oblong to ellipsoid, with minute guttules, smooth, thin-walled.
Type species: Neoasbolisia phylicae Abdollahz. & Crous
Note: – Morphologically similar to Asbolisia Bat. & Cif. (Nom. ille- git., Art. 53.1), but as the latter is illegitimate, a new genus is introduced.