Myrotheciomycetaceae Crous, Persoonia 40: 351 (2018)
MycoBank number: MB 825408; Index Fungorum number: IF 825408; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06875; 45 species.
Associated with leaves. Sexual morph: Ascomata sphaerical to slightly irregular, transparent, globose, covered with sparse to abundant, but undifferentiated hyphal attachments, occasionally with conidiophores on the surface, lacking ostioles. Peridium relatively wide, composed of angular cells forming a textura angularis in surface view and rather flattened in side view. Asci crowded, 8- spored, uniformly distributed in the centrum, clavate or globose. Ascospores hyaline to pale yellow or light brown, ellipsoidal, unicellular, smooth-walled, with or without pores or slits, with or without wing-like appendages and gelatinous layers. Asexual morph: Conidiomata solitary to sporodochial, with crystalline to white or orange conidial mass; with or without basal stroma. Conidiophores, hyaline, smooth to warty, unbranched or branched, subcylindrical with terminal and lateral conidiogenous cells, some progressively shortened with the formation of each conidium. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, smooth, phialidic or with retrogressive conidiogenesis. Conidia aggregated in slimy mass, with or without septa, hyaline or pale-yellow or pale-brown to brown, smooth-walled, ellipsoid or fusoid-ellipsoid or clavate (adapted from Crous et al. 2018d).
Type genus – Myrotheciomyces Crous
Notes – Myrotheciomycetaceae was introduced by Crous et al. (2018d) in Hypocreales, to accommodate a genus Myrotheciomyces based on characters and phylogenetic analyses. Presently, the family includes Emericellopsis, Leucosphaerina, Myrotheciomyces and Trichothecium (Crous et al. 2018d).