Myriangiaceae Nylander, Memoires de la Societe Imperiale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg 2: 9 (1854).

MycoBank number: MB 81866; Index Fungorum number: IF 81866; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06552, 76 species.

Saprobic on bark, leaves and branches, some genera epiphytic or parasitic on leaves. Sexual morph: Ascostromata superficial, scattered, solitary or aggregated, coriaceous to sub-carbonaceous, semi-immersed to immersed to erumpent, generally dark, globose to oval, sometimes surrounded by the remains of the ruptured epidermis, multi-loculate, locules generally in the upper layer or scattered throughout the ascostromata. Locules with single ascus, ostiolate. Ostiole minute or asci pushed out through pseudoparenchymatous cells. Hamathecium paraphyses absent. Cells of ascostromata comprising pseudo-parenchymatous cells of pale yellow to brown pigmented textura angularis, textura globusa or textura intrica. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, globose to subglobose, apedicellate or with a minute pedicel, apically rounded with indistinct ocular chamber. Ascospores irregularly arranged, oblong or fusiform with slightly acute ends, hyaline to sub-hyaline or brown, muriform, with 1–9-transverse septa, with 0–5-longitudinal septa, smooth-walled to verruculose, rarely having a sheath. Asexual morph: Unknown.

TypeMyriangium Montagne & Berkeley.

NotesMyriangiaceae was introduced by Nylander (1854) to accommodate Myriangium duriaei and M. curtisii. Due to ascostromata and locules, Clements & Shear (1931) placed Myriangiaceae in Dothidealeas. However, von Arx (1963) treated this family in Myriangiales. Many studies have placed Elsinoaceae in synonymy with Myriangiaceae. However, Höhnel (1909a), Barr (1979a) and Eriksson (1981) were convinced that they were separate families. Schoch et al. (2006), Lumbsch & Huhndorf (2010) and Jayawardena et al. (2014) provided molecular evidence to maintain Elsinoaceae and Myriangiaceae as separate families. Dissanayake et al. (2014) included ten genera in this family based on morphological characters.