Moringomyces phantasmae Crous, sp. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 837856; Index Fungorum number: IF 837856; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11105;
Etymology. Name refers to the host Moringa ovalifolia (Namibian phantom tree), L. phantasma = phantom).
Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, septate, branched, 1.5 – 3 µm diam hyphae. Hyphal cells becoming swollen, brown, roughened, forming intercalary chains of chlamydospores enclosed in mucoid sheath, initially transversely septate, be- coming muriformly septate, initially 3 – 4 µm diam, becoming swollen, 8–10 µm diam, eventually forming microsclerotia, more prominent and larger on OA than on SNA, up to 100 µm diam. Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, surface folded, with sparse aerial mycelium and feathery, lobate margin, reaching 45 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA, PDA and OA surface and reverse iron-grey.
Typus. NAMIBIA, Gobabeb-Namib Research Institute, on flower of Moringa ovalifolia (Moringaceae), 19 Nov. 2019, P.W. Crous, HPC 3130 (holotype CBS H-24449, culture ex-type CPC 38883 = CBS 146830, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MW175364.1 and MW175404.1).
Notes — Moringomyces is related to the genera Arxiella, Aureobasidium and Pseudosydowia. Other than the microscle- rotia, Moringomyces did not form any conidiomata or conidia in culture, making morphological comparisons difficult. Genera in this complex have similar culture characteristics, namely pigmented hyphae that are strongly constricted at septa, encased in mucilage, and aggregations of hyphal cells that tend to form microsclerotia.