Melanodevriesia H.L. Si, W.Q. Cao, & T. Bose, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 839404; Index Fungorum number: IF 839404; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11077;
Etymology: The name refers to the black colony formed by the fungus when growing on PDA and OA. Slow-growing colonies on PDA and OA are black to brownish black in colour. The fungus grows in a yeast-like unicellular state on PDA, producing pseudohyphae by continuous budding. These yeast-like cells have several conspicuous intracellular oil bodies. The thallus on OA and other oligotrophic media is made up of septate straight or corrugated branching hyphae.
Type species: Melanodevriesia melanelixiae H.L. Si, W.Q. Cao & T. Bose
Notes: – Melanodevriesia is currently a monotypic genus that includes M. melanelixiae, which is described below. Despite being a sister genus of Xenodevriesia (Xenodevriesiaceae), Melanodevriesia has distinct morphological characteristics. Melanodevriesia has two thallus morphologies: yeast-like and mycelial, both of which are black to brownish black in colour, but Xenodevriesia possesses a brown mycelial thallus (Crous et al. 2019). Melanodevriesia produces chlamydospores which are lacking in Xenodevriesia.