Magnopulchromyces L.B. Conc., Gusmão & R.F. Castañeda, gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF556378; Facesoffungi num- ber: FoF 06109.
Etymology: From the Latin: Magno– great, maxi- mum, + pulchre beautifully, excellently, + –myces from the Greek, meaning fungus.
Saprobic on decaying leaves of unidentified plant. Asexual fungi, Conidiophores macronematous, monon- ematous, scorpioid growth, septate, brown. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic intercalary, pale brown or greyish brown. Conidial secession schizolytic. Conidia acropleurogenous, complex, lenticular-staurospore, somewhat stellate or irreg- ular staurospore, variegated, multicellular, composed of a primary cell, one or several, secondary cells, several ter- tiary cells and several satellite cells hemispherical, straight or slightly curved, greyish brown or very pale brown.
Sexual morph: Undetermined.
Notes: – Magnopulchromyces resembles superficially the monotypic genera Turturconchata J.L. Chen, T.L. Huang & Tzean and Venustisporium R.F. Castañeda & Iturr. by the multicellular, lenticular, complex conidia, with holoblastic production and schizolytic secession (Castañeda-Ruiz and Iturriaga 1999; Chen et al. 1999). Turturconchata is different from Magnopulchromyces in having conidiophores single or clustered, curved to spiral and conidia without an eccentric protuberating pedicel. Venustisporium is distinguished by developed sporodochia with inconspicuous prostrate conidi- ophores, mostly reduced to conidiogenous cells, and conidia with a layer of uncinated cells, needle-like to horn-like pro- jections around the periphery. Magnopulchromyces is fur- ther differentiated from Turturconchata and Venustisporium by having a developed scorpioid growth of conidiophores and the complex conidia.
Type species: Magnopulchromyces scorpiophorus L.B. Conc., Gusmão & R.F. Castañeda