Lyophyllaceae Jülich, Biblthca mycology 85, 378 (1982)
Index Fungorum number: IF 80005; Facesoffungi number: FoF 14368
Lyophyllaceae Jülich was suggested by recent molecular phylogenetic analyses to be a putative wider concept that includes several lineages that seem more distantly related, and the generic concepts should be reconsidered. Several new genera established in the past ten years were expected to reorganize the system, viz. Calocybella Vizzini, Consiglio & Setti, Clitolyophyllum E. Sesli, Vizzini & Contu, Myochromella V. Hofst., Clémençon, Moncalvo & Redhead, Sagaranella V. Hofst., Clémençon, Moncalvo & Redhead, Sphagnurus Redhead & V. Hofst., Tephrocybella Picillo, Vizzini & Contu and Tricholyophyllum Qing Cai, G. Kost & Zhu L. Yang; however, a few of them show a poor species diversity worldwide. Clitolyophyllum was discovered in 2016, a Turkish species fruiting on the dead bark of Picea orientalis. It is mainly characterized by fan-shaped, translucent-striate pileus; decurrent lamellae; lateral, cylindrical to flattened stipe; smooth, inamyloid spores; non-siderophilous basidia and irregular pileipellis.