Kosmimatomyces Bianchin., Reinoso-Fuentealba, Rodr.-Andr., Cano & Stchigel, in Crous et al., Persoonia 44: 403 (2020)
Index Fungorum number: IF 836058; FacesofFungi number: FoF 11049
Etymology – From Greek κοσμήματα-, jewellery, and -μύκης, fungus, because of the microscopic look of the fungus.
Mycelium consisting of branched, septate, pale to dark brown, thick-walled hyphae, sometimes coarsely ornamented. Conidiophores solitary, macronematous or semimacronematous, erect, straight to flexuous, from hyaline to dark brown, thick- and smooth- to rough-walled, cylindrical, narrow, branched or not, branches terminal and lateral, in angles of 45 to 90°. Conidiogenous cells determinate, integrated, terminal and intercalary, mono or polyblastic, pale to dark brown, verrucose, scars truncate. Conidia holoblastic, 0–1-septate, brown to dark brown, thick-walled, globose, ovoid or ellipsoid, ornamented with spines and crater-like warts, with dark scars at one or both ends, arranged in branching acropetal chains.
Type species – Kosmimatamyces alatophylus Bianchin., Reinoso F., Rodr.-Andr., Cano & Stchigel.