Hansenopezia retrocurvata (K. Hansen & Sandal) Matočec, I. Kušan & Jadan, comb. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF556256; Facesoffungi num- ber: FoF 07937
Basionym: Peziza retrocurvata K. Hansen & Sandal, Nord. J. Bot. 18(5): 616 (1998)
Other species included (description follows after the generic description below): Hansenopezia decora Matočec,
- Kušan & Jadan.
Ascomata apothecial, solitary or often in groups, medium-sized, epigeous, centrally attached to the sub- strate, regularly circular to much sinuous from the top view, cupulate when young, then plate-shaped, hymenial surface reddish brown, lilac-violet, violet-brown, purplish brown to dark brown, matte, margin upright then flattened to reflexed, entire, blunt, smooth and or beset with scattered white fibrils, whitish grey or pale brownish yellow, excipu- lar ground concolourous with the margin, finely pubescent or ornamented with reddish brown patches distributed to the basal parts. Flesh fragile, homogenous, soft waxy, dry on cut or exuding watery to milk-white latex. Hymenium arranged as a regular palisade. Asci cylindrical, hyaline, apex subtruncate, protruding above paraphysis tips at full matu- rity, 8-spored, base tapered, arising from croziers, opercu- lum apical, very narrow, occupying ≤ 28% of living mature ascus diam, functional, flat lentiform before opening, encir- cled by slight “u”-shaped indentation in the wall, periascal amyloid mucus thin and film-like through the entire length but almost lacking on opercular lense, while the thickest at the opercular edge where is moderately euamyloid, forming unclear thin annular zone, reaction gradually decreasing in strength towards the base, with reacting area on half of the ascus length or more. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid to nar- rowly ellipsoid with ± rounded poles, radially symmetrical, 1-celled, subglabrous or with cyanophilic verrucae, per- ispore cyanophilic, not loosening when heated in lactic Cot- ton Blue or in KOH, wall 3-layered ± thick-walled, without sheath on ejected spores; sporoplasm multiguttulate, lipid content nearly maximal with all guttules of approx. same size or 2–3 large lipid bodies mixed with many smaller ones, lipid bodies much coalesced in dead spores, uninucleate, nucleus and nucleolus not contrasted nor stained in Lugol’s solution, de Bary bubbles absent in anhydrous media. Para- physes cylindrical, apically obtuse to subclavate, straight to bent, not branching in the upper part, embedded in hyaline epithecial exudate or only with hyaline, thin coating, apical cell contain single or few non-refractive vacuoles entirely filled with finely dispersed minute pinkish brown particles and/or partially with larger non-refractive granules of the same colour, not containing vacuolar bodies, in Lugol’s solution pigment partially turning to rusty brown colour. Marginal texture in section displaying broad outline, textura globulosa-angularis mixed with some cylindric cell chains that may protrude as scattered cylindric obtuse, thin-walled hyphoid hairs or form loose tufts; texture is not cyanophil- ous. Subhymenium well-discerned, composed of hyaline sub- gelatinous densely woven textura porrecta. Medullary and ectal excipulum of ± homogenous, subhyaline texture, except for the cortical layer. Upper part composed of textura glob- ulosa–moniliformis mixed with cylindric very long, mostly vertically oriented hyphae. Lower part composed of textura globulosa-angularis with intermixed intricate connective hyphae, cells smaller in size towards the surface. Cortical layer composed of textura porrecta-intricata, discontinuous layer when present pustulate, cells with ochraceous walls and rusty brown patches, coiled and agglutinated together; texture is not cyanophilous.
Ecology: Saprotroph on rich soil with litter and wood
residues of Abies alba, on very rotten stumps and trunks of Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica, sometimes also on rich soil outside forests, fruitbodies appear in spring or autumn to winter.