Gymnopilus P. Karst., Bidrag till Kännendom af Finlands Natur och Folk 32, XXI (1879)
Index Fungorum number: IF 17702; Facesoffungi number: FoF 14366
Gymnopilus, typified by Gymnopilus liquiritiae (Guzmán-Dávalos 2003), stands with approximately 200 taxa (Holec 2005, Campi et al. 2021, Hesler 1969). The genus is characterized by yellow to ferruginous or purple basidiomata and lamellae, central to the eccentric stipe, partial cortinoid to fibrillose veil, generally fugacious ring, bitter flesh, ferruginous spore print, ellipsoidal basidiospores with warty to rugose ornamentation, with no germ pore, with dextrinoid walls in some taxa, and the presence of sub-capitulated cheilocystidia and clamp connections in hyphae (Holec 2005, Campi et al. 2021, Hesler 1969). Ecologically, Gymnopilus is characterized by a lignicolous habit, growing on wood at different levels of decomposition with no preference for the substrate (Hesler 1969). Many taxa are common in the tropics and are associated with angiosperms, while they are associated with conifers in temperate zones (Holec 2005).