Eremomyces Malloch & Cain, Can. J. Bot. 49(6): 847 (1971).
= Pithoascina Valmaseda et al., Can. J. Bot. 65(9): 1905 (1987).
MycoBank number: MB 1880; Index Fungorum number: IF 1880; Facesoffungi number: FoF 05360; 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with molecular data.
Type species: Eremomyces bilateralis Malloch & Cain.
Notes: Eremomyces bilateralis, which was isolated on dung of the North American porcupine. The genus is characterised by pseudoparenchymatous ascomatal initials and cleistothecia, clavate to ovoid, evanescent short asci and one-celled hyaline to pale brown ascospores (Hyde et al. 2013). Superficially, Eremomyces resembles some tropical parasites such as Cleistosphaera and Pilgeriella (Malloch and Cain 1971). However, it differs from these genera in having irregularly disposed asci, a cephalothecoid peridium and in its coprophilous habitat. Eremomyces was compared to members of Sporormiaceae based on cleistothecial char- acters and members of Venturiaceae as it produces setose ascomata (Malloch and Cain 1971). Presently, it is clear that Eremomyces is distinct from all other genera and it is included in its own monotypic family Eremomycetaceae because of apparent lack of close association with any other group. Cultures and sequence data are available but lacking for the type.