Entomortierella Vandepol & Bonito, gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: MB 833613; Facesoffungi number: FoF
Etymology: entomon- (insect) refers to the insect asso- ciation common to the species in this genus.
Description: Most of the species produce sporangio- spores, usually globose and smooth, but spiny in the case of E. lignicola. Entomortierella beljackovae, E. chlamydo- spora, and E. echinosphaera produce chlamydospores, the latter two of which are usually spiny. Almost all of the species are known to produce zygospores, but are divided between hetero- and homothallic sexual lifestyles.
Habitat: Species in this genus appear to be arthropod and/or worm associates, as they are commonly isolated from ant pellets, termite nests, and vermicompost. They are also frequently isolated from soil, roots, and rotting plant matter.
Type species: Entomortierella lignicola (Martin; Gams & Moreau) Vandepol & Bonito