Crystallicutis El-Gharabawy, Leal-Dutra and G.W. Griff., gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF557789; Facesoffungi Number: FoF
Etymology: Derived from the Latin words crystallus crystal and cutis rind/surface, due to the presence of crystals in the hyme- nium and subiculum of the basidiomes.
Diagnosis: Differs from other members of family Irpicaceae due to the presence of hyphae encrusted with crystals in the subiculum and usually yellow colour of the hymenial surface when fresh.
Description: Basidiomes resupinate with smooth, tuberculate, papillate, merulioid or sometimes poroid hymenophores, usually honey-yellow (not bright yellow) in colour (but occasionally rosy, reddish or greenish), waxy with white margin. Hyphae of sub- iculum and sometimes hymenium/subhymenium encrusted with crystals associated with darker (brown) resinous granules. Hyphal system is monomitic, usually with abundant clamp connections present. Basidia cylindric-clavate, basidiospores hyaline, smooth, ellipsoid, and non-amyloid and non-dextrinoid. Found forming white-rot on heavily decayed trunks of woody monocot and dicot angiosperms, as well as coniferous trees. Rhizomorphs and mycelial cords absent.
Type species: Crystallicutis damiettensis El-Gharabawy, Leal- Dutra and G.W. Griff.
Notes: – Crystallicutis is also defined as the least inclusive clade containing the following pairs of sequences: ITS1-2 spacer regions rDNA (KX428470, JX623934); D1eD3 region of 28S rDNA(MW508515, JX644066). Chlamydospores abundant in old agar cultures of C. damiettensis and sometimes in C. serpens (Ginns, 1975).