Capulatispora Thambug. & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. 74: 216 (2015).

MycoBank number: MB 551234; Index Fungorum number: IF 551234; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00800; 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with molecular data.

Type speciesCapulatispora sagittiformis (Kaz. Tanaka & Hosoya) Thambug. & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. 74: 216 (2015).

Lophiostoma sagittiforme Kaz. Tanaka & Hosoya, Sydowia 60(1): 134 (2008).

NotesCapulatispora was introduced by Thambugala et al. (2015b) to accommodate Lophiostoma sagittiforme (Tanaka & Hosoya 2008). The unique morphological characters of this genus differ from other genera in Lophiostomataceae in having small blackened pseudoclypeus and ascospores with drawn-out sheaths that are capped at their tips (Thambugala et al. 2015b).


  • Capulatispora sagittiformis