Cancellidium applanatum Tubaki, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 16(4): 358 (1975)
MycoBank number: MB 310215; Index Fungorum number: IF 310215; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Saprobic on decaying submerged wood in freshwater. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on natural substrate, effuse, black, shiny. Mycelium immersed to superficial, septate, branched, subhyaline. Conidiophores short, 30–40 μm long, 4–5 μm wide, pale brown. Conidia 120–178 × 80–130 μm, solitary, dictyosporous, obovate with truncate head to obcordate, fan‑shaped, flattened, composed of parallel rows of septate, rectangular cells radiating from point of attachment with conidiophore (adapted from Tubaki 1975).
Notes: Cancellidium applanatum was described from a balsa‑wood bait block submerged in Lake Sengari in Kobe, Japan (Tubaki 1975) and no culture appear to be available for this collection. In our phylogenetic tree, three putatively named strains of C. applanatum and a strain of Cancellidium sp. cluster together with 96 MLBS/91 MPBS/0.97PP support indicating this represents a species complex (Fig. 4). Three strains were isolated from streams in Peru and one was isolated from Thailand. The species has been recorded worldwide in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats (Table 3). As these collections lack molecular data, further collections are needed to establish whether they are the same species and if this species occurs in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. We await a collection from Japan before we define this taxon.
Fig. 4 Phylogenetic tree based on RAxML analyses of combined ITS, LSU, SSU, TEF1‑α and RPB2 sequence data. Maximum likelihood bootstrap ≥ 70%, Maximum parsimony ≥ 70% and Bayesian poste‑ rior probabilities ≥ 0.95 (BYPP) are indicated at the nodes