Cainiella E. Müll., Sydowia 10(1-6): 120 (1957)
MycoBank number: MB 720; Index Fungorum number: IF 720; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02839; 2 species with sequence data.
Type species – Cainiella johansonii (Rehm) E. Müll.
Notes – Cainiella was introduced by Muller (1957) based on Lizonia johansonii. Cainiella comprises C. borealis in addition to the type species. This genus is characterized by dark, immersed ascomata, with long-necks, deliquescing paraphyses, as well as asci with a J-, refractive ring and 1- septate ascospores. Cainiella species are saprobic or very mild pathogens on arctic dwarf shrubs and prostrate evergreen subshrubs.