Bradymyces Hubka, Réblová, Selbmann & M. Kolařík, in Hubka, Réblová, Rehulka, Selbmann, Isola, de Hoog & Kolařík, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 106(5): 983 (2014)
MycoBank number: MB 808780; Index Fungorum number: IF 808780; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10398; 3 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2021), 3 species with molecular data.
Biotrophic, hemibiotrophic or saprobic on leaves and stems of various plants in terrestrial habitats. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: hyphomycetous. Mycelium composed of branched, melanized, cylindrical and moniliform, septate two types of hyphae. Blastic proliferation is commonly present at the ends of moniliform hyphae, terminal cells swollen with umbonate apex and conspicuously larger than the subterminal cell. Dark brown, uni- or multi-cellular bodies develop in an intercalar and terminal position on the hyphae with longitudinal as well as vertical septa. Endoconidia rare, unicellular, usually globose or subglobose, in terminal or intercalary cells. Vegetative hyphae may disintegrate into one-celled or multicellular fragments. Uni- or multi-cellular bodies are present in the center of older colonies, sometimes with dark-brown crusts and excoriations on the surface. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Type species: Bradymyces oncorhynchi Hubka, Řehulka, Réblová & M. Kolařík, in Hubka, Réblová, Rehulka, Selbmann, Isola, de Hoog & Kolařík, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 106(5): 985 (2014)