Anaphysmene Bubák, Ann Mycol. 4(2): 124 (1906)
Index Fungorum Number: IF 7146; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07110
Parasitic on the host plant in terrestrial habitat. Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata dark brown, caulicolous or foliicolous, sporodochial or acervular, solitary to gregarious or often confluent, immersed or superficial, thick-walled. Conidiomatal wall composed of textura angularis with dark brown, thick-walled cells. Conidiophores arise from basal layers of stroma, pale brown at the base, becoming much paler towards the apex, cylindrical to subulate, parallel, unbranched, septate, thick- and smooth-walled. Conidiogenous cells pale brown, annellidic, cylindrical, integrated, terminal, smooth-walled, with 1–8 percurrent proliferation. Conidia hyaline, falcate to fusiform or cylindrical, with obtuse apex and truncate base, straight or gently and irregularly curved, 1-septate, smooth-walled, guttulate.
Type species – Anaphysmene heraclei (Lib.) Bubák, Ann Mycol. 4(2): 124 (1906)
Notes – Anaphysmene shares similar conidia with Ascochytopsis and Pseudoseptoria, and the differences among these genera see notes of Ascochytopsis. Sutton (1972a) described the genus and listed the synonyms. Sutton and Hodges (1990) described a second species A. cupressi B. Sutton & Hodges, from needles of Cupressus lusitanica, which is distinguished by its sporodochial conidiomata and 10–14-septate conidia. No molecular data is available for the Anaphysmene species.
Distribution – France, Germany (Sutton 1980)