Allodiatrypella linearis M. Niranjan & V.V. Sarma sp. nov. Figs. 1 a–n
Etymology – The genus name represents to linearly arranged ascomata in the host.
Index fungorum number: IF558366;
Saprobic on Calamus andamanicus. Teleomorph: Pseudostromata immersed, black lining on apex and below, white powdery layer between the perithecia. Ascomata 400–450 × 306–333 μm, perithecial, sub- globose to globose, raised, linearly arranged, ostiolate neck with periphyses, aggregated between perithecia with white parenchymatous tissue up to ascomatal end. Neck associated with host tissue. Peridium composed of two-layers, outer layer consisting cells of textura epidermoidea, brown thick and inner layer of hyaline emerged textura angularis cells. Hamathecium paraphyses septate, unbranched, less significant, broad to narrow towards apex 2–3.8 μm wide. Asci 72.5–100 × 15–20 μm ( = 85 × 17.6, n=25), unitunicate, clavate, J-ve apical ring in Lougal’s reagent, long pedicellate. Ascospores 6.2–10 (12.5) × 2–2.5 μm ( = 8.7 × 2.4, n=26), multiseriate, polysporous (128), allantoid, pale brown, obtuse ends, smooth-walled. Anamorph: Undetermined.
Material examined – India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, North Andaman, Madhupur (13˚16’54”N 92˚57’47”E). Isolated on Calamus andamanicus 4 February, 2016, M. Niranjan & V.V. Sarma (PUFNI 418).
Notes – The specimen of our collection has immersed to erumpent stromata, apically distinct black zone, linearly arranged ascomata, sulcate ostioles, clavate to obovoid asci, pale yellow to brown ascospores and hence belong to the genus Allodiatrypella (Zhu et al. 2020). According to available key (Zhu et al. 2020) the species which less the 10 ascomata per stroma, polyporous, clavate to spindle asci were segregated into Allodiatrypella. The linear arrangement of the ascomata of A. linearis are also found in the closely related genus Cryptovalsa, e.g. C. rabenhorstii the former is still distinct in having the ascospores crowded at apical end and loosely arranged towards down side, whereas in C. rabenhorstii mostly accumulated at apical part. The present new species A. linearis is closely related with betulicola, A. betulae, A. hubeiensis consists of up to 10 ascomata in each stroma. However, the ascomata in A. linearis separated with partly developed stromata, immersed and linearly arranged ascomata, asci having indistinct, which are not found in other known species of Allodiatrypella. Hence, based on the above mentioned morphological differences, a new species, A. linearis, is proposed to be accommodated in the genus Allodiatrypella.
Figs.1. Allodiatrypella linearis (PUFNI 418) a, b Ascostromata c Vertical section of ascoma d Paraphyses e–i Asci j Peridium k Textura epidermoidea, l Apical ring m, n Ascospores. Scale bars: c =200 µm j d–i =20 µm k–l =10 µm.