Alboefibula C.C. Chen & Sheng H. Wu, gen. nov. Fig. 7
MycoBank number: MB 840662; Index Fungorum number: IF 840662; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Type species: Alboefibula bambusicola.
Etymology: From albo (= white)- + –efibula (= without clamp connection), referring to the white basidiocarps and simple-septate hyphae of the genus.
Description: Basidiocarps annual, effused, adnate, mem- branaceous to subceraceous. Hymenial surface grayish-white or white to cream, darkening in KOH, smooth. Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae simple-septate. Subiculum uniform or composed of a thin basal layer with dense texture; hyphae mainly colorless, but slightly brownish when embedded in substratum. Cystidia lacking. Cystidioles or hyphidia variably present. Basidia clavate, thin-walled, 4-sterigmate. Basidiospores ellipsoid, colorless, thin- to slightly thick-walled, smooth, inamyloid, nondextrinoid, acyanophilous. Causing a white rot.
Notes: In our analyses (Figs. 1, 3), Alboefibula was recovered as monophyletic including the type species and A. gracilis. The diagnostic morphological features of Alboefibula include membranaceous to subceraceous basidiocarps that are white to cream, smooth hymenophore, a monomitic hyphal system without clamp connections, absence of cystidia, ellipsoid basidiospores that are thin- to slightly thick- walled, and clavate basidia. Alboefibula is morphologically most similar to Efibula. Both genera have resupinate basidiocarps with smooth hymenophore, a monomitic hyphal system with simple-septate hyphae, and absence of cystidia. However, Efibula usually has cream to yellow–brown basidiocarps and thin-walled basidiospores (Wu 1990; this study). Besides, Efibula is placed in the Irpicaceae (Fig. 1). Phylogenetically (Figs. 1, 3), Alboefibula is closely related to the genera Crepatura and Pirex. However, morphologically, Crepatura differs from Alboefibula by the thick-walled generative hyphae bearing both clamp connections and simple septa, thick-walled basidiospores, and 2-sterigmate basidia (Ma and Zhao 2019). Pirex is separated from Alboefibula by the basidiocarps turning reddish with KOH, odontoid to hydnoid hymenophore, brownish subiculum, and presence of clamp connections (Hallenberg et al. 1985).