Agaricales Underw., Moulds, mildews and mushrooms. A guide to the systematic study of the Fungi and Mycetozoa and their literature (New York), 97 (1899)

Index Fungorum number: IF 17030; Facesoffungi number: FoF 14342

The Agaricales comprise by far the largest order in the kingdom Fungi with roughly 20,000 described species, according to the Catalogue of Life (Roskov & al., 2019). Although these two groups broadly intersect, the agarics span many orders beyond the Agaricales (Fig. 1), and the Agaricales span many fruit body morphologies beyond agarics (Fig. 2). This diversity has been explored in the context of molecular phylogeny, e.g., by Moncalvo & al. (2002), Matheny & al. (2006), Garnica & al. (2007), Hibbett (2007), and Lücking & al. (2017), but not comprehensively. Despite the vast literature on scattered members of these groups, there is no dedicated modern compendium of their contents at the generic level.

Fig. 2. Morphological diversity of the Agaricales. A, Gymnopilus(gilled); B, Resupinatus(gilled); C, Dendrocollybia (gilled); D, Panellus(poroid); E, Favolaschia (poroid); F, Pseudofistulina (poroid); G, Mucronella (hydnoid); H, Rhodoarrhenia (merulioid); I, Arrhenia (cyphelloid); J, Woldmaria (cyphelloid); K, Calyptella (cyphelloid); L, Pleurotus anamorph (miscellaneous capitate); M, Physalacria (misc. capitate); N, Gloiocephala (misc. capitate); O, Podaxis (gasteroid); P, Lycoperdon (gasteroid); Q, Ramariopsis (clavarioid); R, Nidula (nidularioid); S, Coprinellus anamorph (resupinate); T, Chondrostereum (resupinate); U, Cystostereum (resupinate); V, Lindtneria (resupinate); W, Cora (lichen); X, Moniliophthora infecting cacao pods (other); Y, Brunneocorticium (other). — Photographs by Justin Brosey (A), Jacob Kalichman (B, I, O), Alan Rockefeller (C, F), Danny Newman (D, E, H, K, N), Oluna & Adolf Ceska (G), Gerhard Koller (J), Django Grootmyers (L), Andrew Khitsun (M, Q, U), Alexey Sergeev (P), Adam Bryant (R), Judith Thomas (S), Amadej Trnkoczy (T), Thomas Læssøe (V), Teodoro Bedoya (W), CABI (X), and Susanne Sourell (Y). Kalichman et al. (2020).


  • Amanitaceae

  • Bolbitiaceae

  • Clavariaceae

  • Cortinariaceae

  • Cyphellaceae

  • Entolomataceae

  • Fistulinaceae

  • Hydnangiaceae

  • Hygrophoraceae

  • Gymnopilus

  • Marasmiaceae

  • Hygrophoraceae

  • Inocybaceae

  • Limnoperdonaceae

  • Mycenaceae

  • Niaceae

  • Omphalotaceae

  • Physalacriaceae

  • Pluteaceae

  • Porotheleaceae

  • Psathyrellaceae

  • Pterulaceae

  • Schizophyllaceae

  • Strophariaceae

  • Tricholomataceae

  • Tubariaceae

  • Typhulaceae