Actidiographium Lar.N. Vassiljeva, Mikol. Fitopatol. 34(6): 4 (2000).
MycoBank number: MB 28476; Index Fungorum number: IF 28476; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08053; 1 morphological species (Boehm et al. 2009a, Species Fungorum 2020), molecular data unavailable.
Type species – Actidiographium orientale Lar.N. Vassiljeva, Mikol. Fitopatol. 34(6): 5 (2000).
Notes – Vasilyeva (2000) established the monotypic genus Actidiographium to accommodate a hysteriaceous taxon with pigmented 1-septate ascospores. However, molecular data are unavailable to confirm placement within Hysteriaceae.