Acrodictys pyriformis J. Yang, Jian K. Liu & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 559867; Index Fungorum number: IF 559867; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12847;
Etymology: referring to the collecting site of a small stream.
Holotype: HKAS 112613
Saprobic on submerged decaying wood in freshwater habitats. Asexaul morph: Colonies on wood effuse, hairy, dark brown, scattered, glistening. Mycelium mostly immersed, composed of septate, smooth, brown to hyaline hyphae. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, erect, straight, or slightly flexuous, cylindrical, septate, smooth-walled, unbranched, brown to grayish brown, slightly paler and narrower towards the apex, 42.6–146 µm long, 3.3–7.6 µm wide near the base, 1.6–2.8 µm wide at the apex. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, determinate, lageniform to doliiform, brown, truncate at the apex, sometimes elongating percurrently. Conidia acrogenous, solitary, broadly obovoid to pyriform, muriform, usually with three transverse septa and a longitudinal septum, smooth-walled, pale brown to pale olivaceous brown, becoming slightly darker with age, 20–30 × 12.5–21 µm ( = 24.5 × 15.5 µm, n = 20), guttulate, slightly constricted at the septa, with conspicuous septa pore, truncate at the base, basal cell obconical, pale brown to subhyaline. Sexual morph: Undetermined