Amanita Pers.

The morphologically diverse and monophyletic genus Amanita Pers. (Persoon 1797; Bas 1969; Zhang et al. 2004; Wolfe et al. 2012b; Tulloss et al. 2016) is dominantly mycorrhizal however, at least one species is saprobic (Wolfe et al. 2012a) and another three dozen or so are nonmycorrhizal with precise trophic modes unclear. The genus is divided into two subgenera: Amanita subg. Amanita (with inamyloid spores) comprising three sections, viz
sect. Amanita, sect. Caesareae Singer, sect. Vaginatae sensu Yang (1997) and A. subg. Lepidella (E.-J. Gilbert) Vesely´ emend. Corner & Bas (with amyloid spores) includes four sections namely, sect. Amidella (E. J. Gilbert) Konrad & Maubl., sect. Lepidella sensu Bas (1969), sect. Phalloideae (Fr.) Que´l., and sect. Validae (Fr.) Que´l. More than 530 species are described worldwide with valid accepted names and about 50 taxa are reported from India
(Yang 2000; Bhatt et al. 2003; Tulloss and Yang 2016).