Trichocladium Harz, Bull. Soc. Imp. nat. Moscou 44(1): 125 (1871)
Index Fungorum number: IF 10278; MycoBank number: MB 10278; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13049; 38 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 10 species with sequence data.
Type species – Trichocladium asperum Harz
Notes – Trichocladium was introduced by Harz (1871). A review of Trichocladium was undertaken by Goh & Hyde (1999), who accepted 18 species. Trichocladium species are polyphyletic within Chaetomiaceae and other families (Shearer & Crane 1971, Kirk et al. 2008, Seifert et al. 2011, Jones et al. 2015). Based on the analyses of rpb2 and a combined rpb2, tub2, ITS and LSU datasets, 22 strains of Trichocladium formed a lineage, which includes four closely related subclades in Chaetomiaceae, and they show morphologically diverse characters and are phylogenetically distinct. The asexual morphs have conidiophores that are hyaline, developed laterally or terminally from the hyphae, and cylindrical, unbranched or branched, sometimes verticillate. Conidia are 1- to 2-celled, rarely 3-celled, obovate, pyriform, ellipsoid, constricted at the septa, conspicuously warted and olivaceous brown to dark brown, with paler basal cells. The sexual morph of Trichocladium is characterized by superficial or immersed ascomata in a thick mycelium, with or lacking ostioles. Asci are typically cylindrical and evanescent, with 8 (4) uniseriate ascospores, which are typically broadly ovate, bilaterally flattened, sometimes ellipsoidal and non-flattened, with an apical germ pore (Wang et al. 2019b).