Stomatogene agaves (Ellis & Everh.) Theiss., Annls mycol. 14(6): 406 (1918) [1917].
≡ Asterina agaves Ellis & Everh., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 27: 571 (1900).
MycoBank number: MB 121867; Index Fungorum number: IF 121867; Facesoffungi number: FoF 03705; Fig. 131
Description: see Boonmee et al. (2017).
Material examined: Mexico, Sonora, in the vicinity of Álamos, on living leaves of Agave sp. L (Asparagaceae), March 1910, J.N. Rose No.13063 (NY 02977047).
Fig. 131 Stomatogene agaves (NY 02977047). a Herbarium specimen and habit on leaves. b Appearance of ascomata on leaf surface. c Section of ascoma. d Peridium. e Hamathecium. f, g Asci. h–k Ascospores. Scale bars: b = 200 μm, c = 50 μm, f, g = 20 μm, h–k = 10 μm