Stephanophorella Réblová & Hern.-Restr., in Réblová, Kolařík, Nekvindová, Miller & Hernández-Restrepo, Microorganisms 9(4, no. 706): 47 (2021)
Index Fungorum number: IF 836363; MycoBank number: MB 836363; Facesoffungi number: FoF 15255;
Type species – Stephanophorella stellata (M. Calduch, Gené & Guarro) Réblová & Hern.-Restr.
Etymology – Stephanos (Greek) crown, –phora (Greek) bearing, from pherein (to bear), referring to a group of short branches resembling a crown at the conidiophore apex, –ella, diminutive, used as a name-forming suffix.
Colonies hairy, blackish. Mycelium is mostly immersed. Anamorph: Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, setiform, pigmented, with setiform, sterile branches inserted into the main stalk in a crown-like fashion. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, determinate, ampulliform to lageniform, with a tubular collarette, discrete, lateral, appressed to the conidiophore, arranged in whorls forming a compact fertile zone. Conidia hyaline, aseptate, slimy. Teleomorph: Not observed. (Partially adapted from Calduch et al. [6].)