Sarcomyxaceae Olariaga, Huhtinen, Læssøe, J.H. Petersen & K. Hansen, fam. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 831375; Index Fungorum number: IF 831375; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Basidiomata pleurotoid, with gelatinous context in pileus. Gills slightly decurrent, crowded, forking. Stem lateral, floccose. Spore deposit white. Basidiospores cylindrical to allantoid, amyloid. Basidia claviform, (2 –)4-spored, clamped. Cheilo– and pleuro-cystidia fusiform to clavate, more or less thick-walled. Pileipellis and part of trama gelatinised. Clamp connections present. Saprotrophic, lignicolous.
Type genus: Sarcomyxa P. Karst.
Only genus: Sarcomyxa.
Notes: The family contains a single genus with unique pleurotoid basidiomata, gelatinised pileipellis, fusiform to clavate cheilo- and pleurocystidia and amyloid spores (Knudsen & Vesterholt 2012). Due to its isolated position within the Pleurotineae (Figs 2, 3), a new family is coined to accommodate Sarcomyxa.

Fig. 2. Bayesian inference 50 % majority rule consensus phylogram of the Agaricales from 5.8S-18S-28S-RPB1–RPB2–EF-1α sequence data, with the placement of typhuloid fungi (in blue font). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) and Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values (ML-BP) are shown on branches, ordered as PP/ML-BP. Thickened branches received support at least in one analysis (ML-BP ≥ 70 % and/or PP ≥ 95 %). Suborder names recognised within the Agaricomycetes are indicated on the right side.

Fig. 3. Bayesian inference 50 % majority rule consensus phylogram of the Pleurotineae from 5.8S-18S-28S-RPB1–RPB2–EF-1α sequence data. Bayesian posterior proba- bilities (PP) and Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values (ML-BP) are shown on branches, ordered as PP/ML-BP. Thickened branches received support at least in one of the analyses (ML-BP ≥ 70 % and/or PP ≥ 95 %). Family names recognised within the Pleurotineae are marked with colour boxes. Basidioma types are indicated with different colours for ingroup taxa.