Morphology and specimen distribution of Clade 7 Russula obscurozelleri (Woo sp. 50). BW followed by numerals designate Ben Woo samples. a Photo by B. Woo, BW803, scanned image from WTU. b Distribution of specimens of the Woo collections in Pacific Northwest States and Provinces. c–h Micromorphology, all 1000x magnification. c Spores in median optical section and surface view in Melzer’s reagent (c1–c2 BW383; c3–c4 BW400; c5–c6 BW535; c7–c8 BW536; c9–c10 BW535; c11–c12 BW535). d–e Basidia (BW532, BW390). f–h Cap cuticle terminal cells with refringent contents (BW536, BW536, BW536). Scale bars 10 µm