Rostriconidium Z.L. Luo, K.D. Hyde & H.Y. Su, Mycol. Progr. 17(5): 536 (2018).

MycoBank number: MB 823172; Index Fungorum number: IF 823172; Facesoffungi number: FoF 03764; 2 morphological (Species Fungorum 2020), 2 species species with molecular data.

Type speciesRostriconidium aquaticum Z.L. Luo, K.D. Hyde & H.Y. Su, Mycol. Progr. 17(5): 536 (2018).

NotesRostriconidium is characterized by solitary, erect, septate, straight to flexuous, dark brown to black conidiophores, monotretic or polytretic conidiogenous cells and solitary, dry, rostrate, septate conidia with a subhyaline apex. Phylogenetic analysis of combined ITS, LSU, rpb- 2, and tef1 sequence data in Su et al. (2018) indicated that two strains of Rostriconidium aquaticum (MFLUCC 16-1113 and KUMCC 15-0491) form a separate clade between Sporidesmioides and Neotorula in Torulaceae (Su et al. 2018).


  • Rostriconidium aquaticum