Rhytidospora Jeng & Cain, Mycotaxon 5(1): 278 (1977)

MycoBank number: MB 4744; Index Fungorum number: IF 4744; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10521; 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020).

Type speciesRhytidospora tetraspora Jeng & Cain

NotesRhytidospora was introduced by Jeng & Cain (1977) based on a single species R. tetraspora, isolated from burro dung in Venezuela. Rhytidospora bispora, R. cainii, R. citriformis, and R. inordinata, were added to this genus by (Doveri 2014). The genus is characterized by cleistothecial ascomata with a cephalothecoid peridium, globose to subglobose, irregularly- evanescent asci, and thick-walled, ellipsoidal ascospores with a wrinkled a germ pore (Krug & Jeng 1979). The asexual morph of the genus is undetermined.


  • Rhytidospora tetraspora