Racoleus R. Sant. & D. Hawksw., in Hawksworth, Santesson & Tibell, IMA Fungus 2(1): 72 (2011)
Index Fungorum Number: IF 561239; MycoBank Number: MB 561239; Facesoffungi Number: FoF 11086
Etymology: From the generic names Rac[-odium] and [Cysto]-coleus, with which the genus has some features in common.
Similis Racodiis rupestris, sed differt in cellulis verrucosis et in spinulis lateralis non-lichenibus instructis.
Typus – Racoleus trichophorus R. Sant. & D. Hawksw. 2011.
Thallus superficial, fluffy, brown, filamentous. Photobiont Trentepohlia, single filaments of which are ensheathed by fungal hyphae. Filaments suberect to decumbent or spreading, sympodially branched, outer wall undulating and irregularly corrugated, with numerous lateral spines. Hyphae in a single layer surrounding the algal filament, orientated vertically along and always parallel to the axis of the filament, brown, septate, thick-walled, uneven and undulate to corrugated, not ornamented. Spines arising at broadly acute to almost right angles to the vertical axis, brown, stiff, thick-walled, smooth-walled, not ornamented or corrugated. Conidiogenous cells and conidia unknown.
Note – While, in the absence of any sexual state and molecular data, no definite opinion on the systematic position of the new genus can be expressed, in view of the similarities to both Cystocoleus and Racodium, it seems likely that it will also prove to belong to Capnodiales; we, therefore, suggest that it is listed as “? Capnodiales (incertae sedis)” until fresh data become available.