Poriella C.L. Zhao, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 840061; Index Fungorum number: IF 840061; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
It is characterized by producing resupinate to effused-reflex basidiomata with dingy- yellowish to pale tan to ochraceous surface and a di-trimitic hyphal system with un- branched and strongly dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, and thick-walled, non-dextrinoid, cyanophilous basidiospores.
Type species: Poriella subacida (Peck) C.L. Zhao.
Etymology: Poriella (Lat.): referring to its similar appearance to the genus Perenniporia.
Basidiomata perennial, resupinate to effused-reflex. Pore surface is dingy-yellowish to pale tan to ochraceous. Pores round to angular. Subiculum cream to buff, thin. Tubes concolorous with pore surface, corky. Hyphal system di-trimitic, generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled, with clamp connections; skeletal hyphae predominant, unbranched, strongly dextrinoid, cyanophilous, rarely dissolving in KOH. Basidiospores ellipsoid, non-truncate, hyaline, thick-walled, smooth, non-dextrinoid, CB+.