Pinaceicola Crous, M. Shen & Y. Zhang ter, gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: MB831515; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12045
Etymology: The epithet refers to Pinaceae, the host family from which the genus was described.
Mycelium consists of branched, septate, pale to medium brown, smooth hyphae. Conidiophores erect, pale to dark brown, subcylindrical, smooth, straight, reduced to conidiogenous cells, with one to several conidiogenous loci, sub-cylindrical to almost conical, widest at the base, tapering to a sub truncate or truncate apex; conidiogenous loci flat-tipped, somewhat darkened and thickened. Ramoconidia present,
aseptate or septate. Conidia in branched or unbranched chains, pale to medium brown or pale olivaceous, smooth, narrowly ellipsoid, subcylindrical or fusoid, straight to slightly curved, 0 – 1-septate, mostly widest in the middle, tapering to sub- truncate or truncate ends; hila somewhat darkened and thickened, not refractive (adapted from Crous et al. 2007b, Koukol 2010).
Type species: Pinaceicola pini (Crous) Crous, M. Shen & Y. Zhang ter
Note: – The two species of Pinaceicola presently recognised were both reported as saprobes on needles of Pinaceae (Crous et al. 2007b, Koukol 2010).