Phylloporis cinefaciens (Nyl.) S.H. Jiang, Lücking & Sérus. comb. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 836708; Index Fungorum number: IF 836708; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08883.
Bas.: Verrucaria cinefaciens Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 5(7): 180 (1873); Arthopyrenia cinefaciens (Nyl.)
Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univers. 1: 320 (1921); Strigula cinefa- ciens (Nyl.) R.C. Harris, More Florida Lichens: 155 (1995).
= Porina multipunctata G. Merr. ex R. Sant., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 12(1): 216 (1952); Phylloporina multipunctata (G. Merr. ex R. Sant.) Szatala, Ann. Mus. Natn. Hung., N.S. 7:21 (1956); Phylloporis multipunctata (G. Merr. ex R. Sant.) Vězda, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 19: 183 (1984); Strigula multipunctata (G. Merr. ex R. Sant.) R.C. Harris, More Florida Lichens: 158 (1995).
Notes: This species agrees with the foliicolous Phylloporis austropunctata (P.M. McCarthy) S.H. Jiang, Lücking & J.C. Wei and P. multipunctata (G. Merr. ex R. Sant.) Vězda in the thallus featuring numerous black dots. Apart from the corticolous growth, it is in fact identical to the latter, with ascospores 14–15 × 4–5 µm large and breaking into part spores outside the asci; the ascospore size range for P. multipunctata was given as 12–16 × 3.5–4.5 µm (Lücking 2008; McCarthy 2009). We therefore synonymize the latter with P. cinefaciens.