Phialosporostilbe Mercado & J. Mena, Revta Jardín bot. Nac., Univ. Habana 6(3): 57 (1985)
MycoBank number: MB 11162; Index Fungorum number: IF 11162; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12977; 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with sequence data.
Type species – Phialosporostilbe turbinata Mercado & J. Mena
Notes – Mercado et al. (1985) introduced the hyphomycetous genus Phialosporostilbe based on P. turbinata, which was isolated from dead stems of Arthrostylidium in Cuba. The placement of Phialosporostilbe within Chaetosphaeriaceae was confirmed by DNA molecular data by Yang et al. (2018a). The genus is characterized by synnematous conidiomata, monophialidic conidiogenous cells and subhyaline, turbinate or cordiform conidia with three apical setulae (Sierra & Portales 1985, Yang et al. 2018a).