Phaeotheca Sigler, Tsuneda & J.W. Carmich., Mycotaxon 12(2): 450 (1981).
MycoBank number: MB 9323; Index Fungorum number: IF 9323; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07640; 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 2 species with molecular data.
Type species – Phaeotheca fissurella Sigler, Tsuneda & J.W. Carmich., Mycotaxon 12(2): 450 (1981).
Notes – The phylogenetic placement of this genus was determined by Crous et al. (2018a). Five epithets are listed in Index Fungorum (2020), but sequence data are available for only two species (P. fissurella and P. shathenatiana, Crous et al. 2018a). We were unable to obtain fresh collections to illustrate this genus. Thus, a drawing of P. shathenatiana and P. salicorniae is provided (Fig. 19). Morphological characters can be seen in Crous et al. (2018a).