Neotracylla pini Crous, in Crous et al., Persoonia 43: 291 (2019)
IndexFungorum number: IF 832887; MycoBank number: MB 832887; Facesoffungi number: FoF 15252;
Etymology – Name refers to the host genus Pinus from which it was isolated.
Conidiomata pycnothyrial, brown, round, scutellum 80–150 µm diam, consisting of a radiating mass of brown cells, verruculose, bifurcating into two additional radial rows; margin smooth, lobate, or with pointed terminal cells, 2–4 µm long; surface of pycnothyrium cells with dark brown circular striations, at times conidiomata consisting of smaller circular scutella that overlap like roof tiles. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells, subcylindrical to doliiform, pale brown, smooth, 7–10 × 3–4 µm, phialidic, occurring under the scutellum (although hard to discern). Conidia aseptate, formed singly, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical, apex obtuse, slightly curved, inner plane flat, outer plane convex, base pointed, curved towards inner plane, (8–)9–10(–11) × 3(– 3.5) µm.
Typus – MALAYSIA, on needles of Pinus tecunumanii (Pinaceae), 1 Oct. 2018, M.J. Wingfield, HPC 2657 (holotype CBS H-24175, culture ex-type CPC 36731 = CBS 146010.
GenBank Accession Numbers – ITS: MN562129, LSU: MN567636
Notes — Tracylla is characterised by having brown, superficial pycnothyria, with hyaline, aseptate conidia with or without polar appendages (Crous et al. 2018c). Three species are presently recognised in the genus, which can all be distinguished from T. pini based on their conidium morphology.