Metacapnodium juniperi (W. Phillips & Plowr.) Speg., Physis, Rev. Soc. Arg. Cienc. Nat. 4(no. 17): 288 (1918). Fig. 14
≡ Capnodium juniperi W. Phillips & Plowr., Grevillea 13(no. 67): 75 (1885).
MycoBank number: MB 212907; Index Fungorum number: IF 212907; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06844.
Description – see Hyde et al. (2013).
Material examined – UK, Scotland, Moray coast, Forres, on bark of Juniper twigs, 2 June 1882, Rev. Dr. Keith ex herb. C.B. Plowright (K(M)164026, holotype of Capnodium juniperi).
Figure 14 – Metacapnodium juniperi (K(M)164026, holotype). a Appearance on bark of Juniperus communis. b Ascomata. c Moniliform hyphae. e Ascoma wall. e Section through ascoma. f–h Group of asci. i–k Ascospores. Scale Bars: e, g, i= 100 μm, c, f = 50 μm, d, k = 20 μm, h = 15 μm, j, l, m = 10 μm.