Lojkania Rehm, Növényt. Közlem. 4: 2 (1905).
MycoBank number: MB 2919; Index Fungorum number: IF 2919; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00580; 10 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), molecular data unavailable.
Type species – Lojkania hungarica Rehm, Növényt. Közlem. 4: 2 (1905).
Notes – Lojkania is typified by Lojkania melasperma (as L. hungarica) and was introduced by Rehm (1905) under Fenestellaceae based on its trabeculate pseudoparaphyses (Barr 1979a, 1987b, Hyde et al. 2013, Zhang et al. 2012b). It was earlier considered under Herpotrichia (Sivanesan 1972, 1984, von Arx & Müller 1975, Barr 1984, Yuan & Barr 1994). Barr (1984) re- circumscribed Lojkania species from North America and distinguished the genus from Herpotrichia. Lojkania was transferred to Melanommatales by Eriksson & Hawksworth (1991). Phookamsak & Hyde (2015) excluded Lojkania from Fenestellaceae. Based on examination of the type material, they provisionally placed it under Testudinaceae due to its morphological similarities with Verruculina. Lojkania is distinguishable from Verruculina in having ovoid to obpyriform ascomata, smooth-walled ascospores and its occurrence in terrestrial habitats. Verruculina is an obligate marine taxon that has papillate ascomata and ascospores that are verrucose or verruculose. Lojkania is distinct from Fenestella in having immersed pseudoclypeate ascomata with short to long papilla, trabeculate pseudoparaphyses and didymosporous, brown ascospores (Hyde et al. 2013, Phookamsak & Hyde 2015). Lojkania includes ten accepted names in Index Fungorum (2019). Five species have been referred to other genera based on molecular studies. The type species, Lojkania hungarica lacks molecular data (for morphology see Phookamsak & Hyde 2015). Hence, fresh collections are needed to confirm its placement under Testudinaceae.