Linteromyces Crous, in Crous et. al., Persoonia 45: 287 (2020)
Index Fungorum number: IF 837832; MycoBank number: MB 837832; Facesoffungi number: FoF 15045
Etymology — Name refers to the canoe-shaped (L = Linter-) conidia.
Asexual morph: Mycelium consists of hyaline, smooth, branched, septate hyphae. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells or subcylindrical, brown, smooth, erect, unbranched, becoming dark brown and thick-walled with age, septate, with integrated terminal conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells solitary, erect, integrated on hyphae, pale to medium brown, smooth, doliiform to subcylindrical, with several cylindrical denticles near the apex. Conidia solitary, aseptate, medium brown, slightly roughened, fusoid, apex, and base with apiculus, with paler germ slit along length of conidium body.
Type species — Linteromyces quintiniae Crous
Note — Based on the phylogenetic analyses, combined with morphology and culture characteristics, Crous et al. (2020a) introduced this monotypic genus to accommodate L. quintiniae collected from the leaves of Quintinia sieberi in Australia. Linteromyces resembles Subramaniomyces which has aseptate, polyblastic conidia occurring in branched, acropetal chains on mononematous, branched conidiophores occurring along the length of brown setae. It is morphologically distinct, however, in having solitary conidia and being phylogenetically unrelated to Subramaniomyces (Crous et al. 2020a) (M. Erdoğdu).