Lawreya Ertz, Common, Diederich & U. Braun, in Diederich, Common, Braun, Heuchert, Millanes, Suija & Ertz, Plant and Fungal Systematics 64(2): 258 (2019)
Index Fungorum Number: IF 831999, MycoBank Number: MB 831999, Facesoffungi Number: FoF 11385
Diagnosis – Differs from Sclerococcum in its distant phylogenetic position and in having well-developed stromata in which simple, medium to dark brown, smooth conidia are formed within bulbil-like conidiogenous loculi, the mode of conidiogenesis being unclear.
Etymology – The new genus is named in honour of our friend James D. Lawrey (Virginia, USA), in recognition of his important contribution to lichenology, especially in the fields of lichen biology (specifically the ecological role of metabolites and monitoring), lichenicolous fungi and basidiolichens
Type – Lawreya glyphidiphila U. Braun, Common, Diederich & Ertz
Description – Mycelium immersed; hyphae sparse, septate, subhyaline to pigmented, wall smooth. Conidiomata initially small, internal, flattened, sporodochioid, pulvinate, colourless; later turning brown, becoming stromatic, immersed to erumpent, compact, macroscopically black, size and shape variable, subglobose, hemispherical, applanate to irregularly shaped; Stromatic cells subcircular to angular-irregular in outline; during maturation, with few or numerous subspherical, almost superficial conidiogenous loculi, giving the upper surface a moriform appearance, made of bulbil-like structures; when fully mature, these bulbil-like loculi open irregularly, and the conidioma surface being macroscopically sometimes centrally dented but without a deep cavity, i.e., not distinctly cupulate. Conidiogenous cells not evident, conidia formed from colourless or pale swollen hyphal cells arranged within conidiogenous loculi; conidiogenesis thallic, possibly meristem thallic. Conidia solitary, reminiscent of chlamydospores, subglobose to mostly angular-irregular, simple, brown, wall rather thick and ± smooth.
Notes – see Diederich et al. (2019)

Figure 1 – Maximum likelihood (ML) best tree including Lawreya glyphidiphila (in bold; clade highlighted). ML bootstrap values (BS) are indicated
over branches. Internal branches supported by Bayesian posterior probability values (BPP) ≥ 0.95 are represented by thicker lines