Lanmaoa sublurida (Murrill) A. Farid & A.R. Franck comb. nov.

MycoBank number: MB 840862 ; Index Fungorum number: IF 840862 ; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10463;

BasionymSuillellus subluridus Murrill, Mycologia 30(5): 524 (1938).


Pileus 3–14 cm wide, pulvinate when young, margin entire or wrinkled, becoming convex to nearly plane at maturity, smooth, somewhat tacky when wet, bright red to ruby red when young, becoming mixed with various shades of bright red, orange red, or a peach-colored orange, especially at the margins, or sometimes turning brown entirely at maturity, sometimes becoming rimulose, revealing the context color beneath the cuticle. Hymenophore tubulose, 5–12 mm deep at maturity, tubes sulphur yellow, bluing on injury, fading to olive green; pores initially appearing yellow when young, stuffed, slowly and unevenly maturing to reveal red pore mouths at maturity which are carmine at maturity. Stipe 5–8 × 1.5–3 cm, equal, tapering upwards, or sometimes ventricose, pale yellow, especially when young, with a small network of reticulation forming isodiametric meshes in a narrow zone to 2 (–5) mm long at the apex of the stipe, but sometimes absent, especially in younger specimens, and the rest of the stipe glabrous when young with fine floccons which develop over the stipe surface as it matures, appearing smooth without a hand lens or without close inspection, at maturity these floccons giving the appearance of a stipe that is red to purplish-red, stipe surface bluing a light blue, especially when young; basal mycelium white to pale yellow. Context yellow throughout, or sometimes yellow only in the stipital context (especially so when mature), not bluing or only very weakly and slowly bluing when young, mature specimens bluing in the stipital and pileal context around the hymenophore. Taste mild, odor disagreeable, fetid, ammonia-like and slightly alliaceous.

Basidiospores (8.7) 9.3–10.8 (12.6) × (3) 3.4–4 (4.6) μm, n=71 Q= 2.8, boletoid thick-walled, ellipsoid-oblong to subcylindric or subfusoid, smooth, melleous. Basidia 20–25 × 6–8 μm, 2- or 4-spored, thin-walled, hyaline, clavate to pyriform; sterigmata 1–2 μm, occasionally pigmented like pluerocystidia. Basidioles similarly sized and shaped. Pleurocystidia 30–35 × 10–15 μm, pigmented a light golden brown in KOH, NH4OH, H2O, and Melzer’s, spores generally are clustered onto cystidia. Cheilocystidia 15–50 × 5–10 μm, moderately thin-walled (0.5 μm), usually pigmented like the pleurocystidia, but occasionally hyaline. Hymenophoral trama divergent. Pileipellis elements septate, terminal elements 20–65 × 4–10 μm, thin-walled, cylindrical, with filiform apices that are occasionally clavate, forming an ixotrichodermium of erect elements, occasionally becoming prostrate and forming an ixosubcutis. Pileal trama composed of interwoven hyphae 3–10 μm wide, thin-walled, cylindrical.

Material examined: USA, Florida, Alachua County, Gainesville, Beneath Laurel Oak [Quercus laurifolia], 3 Jul 2020, A. Farid 1058 with R.E. O’Donovan and C. Peyer (USF 301505). Hillsborough County, Brandon, S of Camden Visconti pond at main entrance, 19 June 2016, A. Farid 343 (USF 288426); ibid., 26 Jun 2017, A. Farid 631 (USF 301506); ibid., 11 Jun 2018, A. Farid 805 (USF 298026); 22 Oct 2019; ibid., 11 Jun; A. Farid 1023 (USF 300104); Lithia, beneath Quercus laurifolia, 15 Jul 2020, A. Farid 1072 (USF 301508); ibid., 16 Jul 2020, A. Farid 1073 (USF 301504)

Distribution: Solitary, scattered or in groups on the ground with oak; known from Florida, potentially to North Carolina.

Notes: Lanmaoa G. Wu & Zhu L. Zang is a genus of boletes which is typically distinguished by its thin hymenophore (1/3–1/5 the thickness of the pileal context at a position halfway to the pileal center), which stains blue when bruised, a light-yellow context which stains pale blue slowly when cut, and an interwoven trichodermium to subcutis pileipellis. Although no molecular diagnosis was provided in the paper describing the genus (Wu et al. 2015), the phylogenetic placement was based on the work by Wu et al. (2014). Chai et al. (2018) described the overlapping features of Lanmaoa rubriceps N.K. Zeng & Hui Chai with Cyanoboletus, including hymenophore size, and staining features. Lanmaoa sublurida is distinguished from similar looking boletes by the combination of its characteristic odor, a pileus that varies in reds and orange that matures to a peach-orange, sometimes brown, yellow tubes with pores that appear yellow and mature to carmine, and a light-yellow stipe with fine floccons that densely cover it at maturity.

Figure 7 – Field photographs of Lanmaoa sublurida. A. Farid 1072. B. Farid 343. C. Farid 1073. Photo credits: A Farid.