Johansoniaceae Doilom, Phookamsak & K.D. Hyde, in Doilom et al., Mycosphere 9(4): 659 (2018).
MycoBank number: MB 554793; Index Fungorum number: IF 554793; Facesoffungi number: FoF 04619, 16 species.
Epiphytic, saprobic, and associated with brown spots on leaves. Sexual morph: Mycelium superficial, septate, brown. Ascomata superficial, scattered, solitary, flattened, brown to black, pulvinate, uni-loculate, membranous, lacking ostioles, with or without hyphae at the base, sometimes with dots in hyphae at the central apex, with or without setae. Setae septate, pale brown to brown, surrounding ascomata, erect, straight to curved. Peridium with meandering arrangement, thin-walled at the base, with cells of textura angularis to textura globulosa. Hamathecium comprising hypha-like, branched, septate, anastomosing, cellular pseudoparaphyses, intermingled among asci. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, ellipsoid to subcylindrical or clavate, sessile to subsessile or with short furcate pedicel, with ocular chamber, thick-walled. Ascospores 2–3-seriate, ovoid to ellipsoidal, apical cell wider than basal, hyaline, 1-septate cell, with mucilaginous sheath (adapted from Doilom et al. 2018). Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Type – Johansonia Sacc.
Notes – Crous et al. (2010) indicated that Johansonia based on sequence data of J. chapadiensis was a member of Capnodiales. Doilom et al. (2018) introduced Johansoniaceae to accommodate Johansonia and Orthobellus based on morphology and phylogeny by Crous et al. (2010). Our phylogenetic analyses (Fig. 3) support these results, with Johansonia forming a distint lineage within Capnodiales. Doilom et al. (2018) inferred that genera in Johansoniaceae are similar to some members in Schizothyriaceae. However, Johansoniaceae has uni-loculate ascomata, a well- developed peridium at the base, with narrowly anastomosing pseudoparaphyses, and mostly ellipsoid to subcylindrical or clavate asci, while members of Schizothyriaceae mostly have multi- loculate ascostromata, poorly-developed peridium at the base, each ascus forming in a network-like structure, with subglobose to ovoid asci (Doilom et al. 2018).

Figure 3 – Phylogram generated from maximum likelihood analysis (RAxML) of Capnodiales based on ITS, LSU and rpb-2 sequence data. Maximum likelihood bootstrap values equal or above 70 %, Bayesian posterior probabilities equal or above 0.90 (MLBS/PP) are given at the nodes. An original isolate number is noted after the species name. The tree is rooted to Elsinoe phaseoli (CBS 165.31). The ex-type strains are indicated in bold. Hyphen (-) represents support values below 70 % MLBS and 0.90 PP.

Figure 3 – Continued.