Ionopezia Van Vooren, gen. nov.

MycoBank number: MB 835813; Index Fungorum number: IF 835813; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07927;

Type-species: Peziza gerardii Cooke

Etymology: From the ancient Greek Ἴων (ion) meaning “violet” and πέζις (pezis) meaning “fungus without stipe”.

Description: Ascomata epigeous, discoid or cupulate, sessile, violet-coloured. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with or without crozier, wall diffusely amyloid (W type). Paraphyses hyaline, with an external purplish brown to violet pigment located at the top. Ascospores fusoid, multiguttulate, ornamented with longitudinal striations (only seen with a high magnification). Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa, with medium-sized cells. Species forming ectomycorrhizas.

Containing the following taxa:

  • Ionopezia gerardii (Cooke) Van Vooren, nov. – MB 835814. Basionym: Peziza gerardii Cooke, Hedwigia, 14: 81 (1875). Homotypic synonyms: Humaria gerardii (Cooke) Sacc., Syll. fung.,  8: 150 (1889); Leucoloma gerardii (Cooke) House, Bull. N.Y. St. Mus., 243-244: 86 (1923); Humarina gerardii (Cooke) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup- Fungi (Operc.): 138 (1928); Galactinia gerardii (Cooke) Bánhegyi, Borbásia, 2: 105 (1940); Plicaria gerardii (Cooke) Bánhegyi, Borbásia, 2:106 (1940).
  • Ionopezia ionella (Quél.) Van Vooren, nov. – MB 835815. Basionym: Peziza ionella Quél., Bull. Soc. bot. France, 24: 328 (1878). Lectotype here designated: Pl. VI, fig. 4, in QUÉLET (1878) –MBT392385. Homotypic synonyms: Aleuria ionella (Quél.) Gillet, Champ. France, Discom.: 51 (1879); Galactinia ionella (Quél.) Boud., Icon. mycol.; liste prélim.: 3 (1904).

Note: –  Plicaria pedicellata Velen. (1940), considered by SVRčEK (1976) as a synonym of P. gerardii, needs to be revised to evaluate its taxonomic position within Ionopezia.


  • Peziza gerardii