Immersiella A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf, Mycol. Res. 108(1): 31 (2004)
MycoBank number: MB 28831; Index Fungorum number: IF 28831; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13303; 2 species with sequence data.
Type species – Immersiella immersa (P. Karst.) A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf
Notes – Immersiella caudata and I. immersa (type species) were introduced within Sordariales, characterised by globose to subglobose ascomata, cylindrical to clavate asci and geniculate ascospores with appendages at each end (Miller & Huhndorf 2004). The genus is closely related to Arnium hirtum, within Lasiosphaeriaceae based on phylogenetic analysis (Kruys et al. 2015).