Hyphoconis Egidi & Quaedvl., in Crous, Schumacher, Akulov, Thangavel, Hernández-Restrepo, Carnegie, Cheewangkoon, R; Wingfield, Summerell, Quaedvlieg, Coutinho, Roux, Wood, Giraldo & Groenewald, Fungal Systematics and Evolution 3: 127 (2019)
Index Fungorum Number: IF 829398, MycoBank Number: MB 829398; Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15875
Synonym: Hyphoconis Egidi & Quaedvl., Fungal Diversity 65: 153. 2014. Nom. inval., Art. 40.7 (Shenzhen).
Etymology – Named after the absence of sporulation.
Description – Colonies slow growing, black in reverse, velvety and green in obverse, compact, lobed, cerebriform, with regular margin. Mycelium composed of pigmented hyphae, constricted at the septa. Very poorly morphologically characterized, but well distinguished by molecular taxonomy.
Type species – Hyphoconis sterilis Egidi & Quaedvl.