Harposporium Lohde, Tagbl. Versamml. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf. 47: 206 (1874)

MycoBank number: MB 8454; Index Fungorum number: IF 8454; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13476; 36 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 9 species with sequence data.

Type speciesHarposporium guillulae Lohde

Notes – Most species in this genus were reported as pathogens of nematodes and sexual morphs of this genus are podocrella-like (Quandt et al. 2014, Spatafora et al. 2015). Species of the genus infect nematodes and rotifers and have ascospores breaking into two lanceolate multi-septate part-spores, sphaerical or hirsutella-like conidiogenous cells, and crescent-shaped or helicoid conidia (Quandt et al. 2014, Spatafora et al. 2015).


  • Harposporium guillulae